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Message from Director General

Fouad Arif

Message from Director General

MAP is a central and strategic news agency whose mission is to defend national interests and protect the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco in the information sector. It upholds the values of ethics and integrity. It meets the highest standards of rigor and reliability.
MAP, a leading outlet in Moroccan media diplomacy, is fully aware of the major transformations that the international media sector is undergoing. The fight against fake news and misinformation, which are main threats to journalistic practice, and the issues related to adapting to technological transformations in the media sector, are all challenges we face.
As part of the country’s media momentum, MAP is also committed to supporting other public media in a complementarity framework and openness.
Because the path is ambitious, it requires us to breath a new spirit and an innovative vision to the work we are doing. We must mobilize the proven ability of MAP’s teams to innovate, reinvent themselves, perform better and succeed, with a common and shared purpose.

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